Onsite canning

When every square foot is valuable, why waste space storing empty cans and idle canning equipment? We bring equipment, materials, and expertise; you supply the beer (or cider, or kombucha, or wine…)

Logistics support

Let us take care of bringing your materials to your site. By taking advantage of our shrink sleeve warehousing service, you can rest assured knowing your cans will be available when you’re ready to fill them.

Reoccurring vs ad hoc canning appointments

Craft Coast supports your business by offering you exactly what you need, when you need it. Whether you want to package with us weekly, monthly, or just once in awhile, we can accommodate your schedule.

Expert technicians

Our skilled operators have thousands of hours of experience running our lines, allowing you to minimize downtime and maximize output.

Quality control

Our team will perform seam inspections and evaluation of temperature and carbonation as part of our regular service. Contact our Technical Services team to learn about other ways you can improve your batches.

Guaranteed results

We guarantee that product loss will not exceed 5% on any given canning run, or we will compensate you for the cost of the waste above 5%; Our typical losses average 1-3%.